What mirror reflections can teach us

Do you remember your childhood days when you looked into the mirror? It seemed like there was a different world behind the magic glass. Everything looked the same, but still very different. Your left hand appeared on the right side; you room looked familiar but different at the same time. Looking into the mirror lets you take a fresh look at familiar things. Mirror plays an important role – both literally and figuratively. When we are stuck in our old beliefs and patterns we are not able to introduce changes we need to. Even if we are frustrated with the problems we may not always recognize what exactly needs to be changed. That’s why we need to look into the mirror of life. With photos it’s kind of similar – if you apply the “mirror” operation you can change the way you look at things. The “mirror” operation of ImageConverter Plus lets you flip photos vertically or horizontally. Choose this operation from the list of available ones and specify exactly what direction to flip your photos to.