Saving very big TIFF files

TIFF is widely used for archival purposes due to its versatility. TIFF supports most color spaces, RGB, CMYK, YCbCr, etc. TIFF is a flexible format with many options. The data contains tags to declare what type of data follows. TIFF files are always large no matter how well they are compressed – even with the LZW compression method applied. Tiff’s can’t be compressed and they are huge by default. They’re used by printers, because they are the best quality reproduction around at present. TIFF images never lose a single percent of their quality due to the lossless compression method (except for the situations when a lossy compression method, such as JPEG, is applied). Moreover, an image in TIFF format can undergo multiple edits with no negative effect on its quality parameters. This makes it preferable over the flexible but ‘lossy’ JPEG file format. TIFF has several format variations used for specific purposes. The size of a regular TIFF is limited by 4 gigabytes –really large anyway, but format variation called “Big-Tiff” can go much larger – its size is limited with 18,446,744,073,709,551,615 bytes! Their image resolution can be, for instance, 250000×250000 pixels. ImageConverter Plus provides support for big-TIFF files and will be able to convert and resize them. Saving images as big-Tiffs is also quite possible.