Individual attention to each and every pixel

When comparing JPEG and BMP one can see that they are very different. JPEG compresses the images making them relatively small in size with decent image quality. BMP saves images without any quality loss, which results in large image files. The BMP image format is supported by all Windows versions starting fr om the most obsolete ones. But no matter how old the image format is, it is full of advantages. BMP carefully saves all the pixels of each image, wh ere each pixel can be edited separately. BMP can represent complex color and shape gradations of an image due to the ability to keep the inner pixel structure. BMP supports a pixel color depth running from 1-bit through 24-bit. A 1-bit color depth refers to a monochrome (black and white) pixel. A 1-bit BMP image is made up of pixels that can contain a value of either 0 (representing black) or 1 (representing white). The resulting image will therefore be black-and-white. A 24 bit BMP image is made up of pixels that are comprised of 256 possible states (or color gradients) each. The image is made up of a 256 x 256 pixel grid resulting in a total of 16,777,216 colors. The BMP image format is universal and can be used in practically any program. Images stored in the BMP format can be used for symbolic, iconic and graphical representation, to form font logos and web images. Convert your images to BMP with ImageConverter Plus setting the appropriate color mode and utilizing advanced options such as specifying rows direction, quantization and dithering.