Color matching

Gamma in digital imaging refers to a relationship between a pixel’s numerical value and its actual luminance. Without gamma, shades captured by a digital camera would look different from what we see with our eyes, if we are talking about a standard monitor. The thing is that our eyes perceive light in a different way than a camera does. Human eyes are much more sensitive to changes in dark and light tones – this enables our vision to function within a wider range of luminance. Gamma is what translates between our eye’s light sensitivity and that of the camera. Gamma correction adjusts the overall brightness of the image. It compensates for the differences in color display on different output devices so that images look the same when viewed on different monitors. If the image is not gamma corrected, it will look too bleached out, or too dark. Gamma correction filter that is available in ImageConverter Plus can be controlled from the number 0.01 up to 7.0. You can manually control the image brightness depending on your needs and depending on the image quality. Varying the amount of gamma correction changes not only the brightness, but also the ratios of red to green to blue.